Thursday, December 14

Why the POOK do you need a Masters?

Throw a stone in Singapore and if it hits someone, theres a good chance that he's a graduate.

Local graduates, overseas graduates and local overseas-graduates.
With so many bachelors and bachelorettes around, the trend to differentiate yourself has gone into getting a Masters.

Some time ago, a colleague of mine has noted how almost every graduate in my department has either gotten a Masters, or in the process of getting one.

What for?

No doubt, there are people who loves to study, and I respect that.

This may sound like sour grapes, but I have never had the intention of getting a Masters. I see it as a waste of time when I can actually spend it on more useful things.

What are the chances that all the things in the Masters course are things you really need to know? If theres anything I need, I'll just read up on myself because I have the discipline. No point studying a course when all you REALLY need is 10-20% of what is being taught, and that silly piece of paper.

I was telling Mr NiceGuy (he's single too, if any gal is interested) yesterday, that he should use the time for night classes to socialise and get to know new friends. There's an opportunity cost for taking up time-consuming Masters course.

There are courses that are more important than what you learn in Masters. Go for Motivational courses, Leadership courses, Sales courses. Enrich yourself in investment techniques, insurance understanding, effective public speaking (toastmasters) courses.

Selling is a skill that EVERYONE need, be it an employee or employer (and highly recommended by Robert Kiyosaki). And most Masters courses do not teach that.

If you want to be an employee for the rest of your life OR have no better way to use your time effectively, go take your part-time Masters.

I will give Masters a pass.
And spend my time on Wifey, soft skills and business techniques - things that are more important than Masters, in my perspective.

When you start your own business, you might want to consider getting some of those Masters students to work for you.


Anonymous said...

Fully agree... cant understand why ppl spend so much time & $$ to study something only to end up being rejected of a job because he/she is overqualified. Recently, I asked a fren of mine if she is interested to stay ard in the IT field, she told me straight out, "Of cuz not". Then I ask her wat u wanna do then.... She said,"Dunno leh,... further my IT studies?" -_-||| So I asked,"Why dun u take up some soft skill lessons instead, eg. How to sell, Effective Comm as mentioned by u, brother?" She answered,"I dun like selling..".

What she failed to realise as u pts out is that doing further studies does != getting a beta paying job. Knowing how to sell urself = high paying job despite having only a degree. I studied 4 yrs in a course and realise that I couldnt get myself a job for 5 mths when I graduated. Lesson learnt. Study the correct things. Equip yourself with the rite skills.

Anonymous said...


If you are for the idea of motivational, sales and leadship courses, then you are supporting the view that courses are effective.

So masters is a collection of courses, and assuming you choose the relevant ones, there is more than 10 - 20% worth of materials in them (and not to forget that piece of paper). ;p

If you think masters are useless, then some of these motivational courses are also useless. Most of the time, they only make you euphoria for the moment..(I heard, but never experienced..)

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