Tuesday, February 27

The Zero Mentality

I've never been known to be a humble guy. I like to show off what I know, and brat about every little success that I made.

But when it comes to learning, I have learnt the importance of being humble.
The importance of starting from zero.

You can be great in a particular field, but you definitely aren't the best.
Even if you are the best, you won't know everything.

When you are too arrogant to listen to others because "he knows less than you", you will missed learning something.

Students are one of my best teachers. I have spent years imparting them my Maths knowledge, but I have also had my fair share of getting stuck in Maths problems.

Each time when I teach something, be it to my students or to my peers during the university days, I learnt to appreciate what i learnt from another angle. And thats when I get better, and more specialised.

Had I been a closed-minded guy, I will talk more and refuse to absorb because "I'm better than him".

If there's something you don't know, you start from zero and listen.
If there's something you know, listen attentively as if you are a newbie and don't pass any judgement before he stops talking.

The things you choose not to learn tend to be those important questions that will come back to haunt you later in your life.

Only when you adopt the zero mentality will you start improving at a tremendous speed.

Why be good when you can get better?

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