Thursday, October 26

Do not spread what you do not know

Some time ago, I received one of those forwarded emails.

Fw: News from Gleneagles Hospital
-URGENT !!!!!

URGENT !!!!! from Gleneagles Hospital Limited

Seven women have died after inhaling a free perfume sample that was mailed to them. The product was poisonous.

If you receive free samples in the mail such as lotions, perfumes, diapers etc. throw them away. The government is afraid that this might be another terrorist act. They will not announce it on the news because they do not want to create panic or give the terrorists new ideas.

Send this to all your friends and family members.

Warmest Regards,
Gleneagles Hospital Limited
Human Resource Department
Tel: 6xxxxxxx
Fax: 6xxxxxxx

Very convincing, so I called to verify.
It turned out to be a fake.

I'm impressed with the boliaoness of the original writer (who may not neccessary be the Gleneagles staff). But what I'm more concerned is how people can just forward these kind of letters to all their friends w/o even verifying the accuracy of this email.

Sending a email is easy.
But sending an untrue propaganda is a waste of everyone's time, and may result in unneccessary panic.

So stop sending what you think you know, but really do not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I received the same and deleted it as believe it was fake. If not the news would have announce it....

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