Monday, March 12

Taking the lead

Unlike most dances which are choreographed, Salsa is an impromptu dance. The guy acts as a lead (i.e leader). He leads the gal to the next move. He decides when to do the basic step, the side step, the spin, the crossbody switch etc.... while the gal takes a passive approach to just follow. Thats what makes salsa so fun, you can hook up some unknown gal who know salsa and dance with her with no preparation needed.

In real-life however, no one likes to take the lead. With my usual clique, Joe used to be the lead (organiser) when it comes to activities. As everyone knows, it ain't an easy job, because its hard to find a common timeslot, activity and venue that everyone will agree with.

Same goes for my university clique. One of my friends has been the constant lead for the past few years. Probably due to other commitments, this lead takes a break. And no one else takes over, so the group starts to die a slow and natural death.

Imagine calling 4 people who have agreed to your plans, and the 5th asked if it can be postponed to Sunday instead. And the lead has to call everyone again.

Everyone wants to have fun, no one wants to be the lead.

And once someone becomes the lead, the rest expects him to be the lead for the rest of his life.

It's sad. Its like getting the shit job with minimum pay.

I'm trying to be a lead in my own way.
Its fun, because I'm always power-hungry.
But it does get tiring every now and then due to its time-consuming nature.

Try to take over the lead every now and then.
Don't take them for granted.
Being a lead is great for character development.
The leadership skills will comes in handy someday.

To all the great leads I know, I shall proclaim today as "Lead's Day".
May your hard work be remembered by those who are having fun, at your expenses.

Step on up.

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