Wednesday, June 6


Rejections are things that most of us are familiar with.

Rejections by your boss, your clients, your crush/gf/wife.
Its a day in, day out thingy.

Most human beings have been programmed to be dejected/frustrated with rejections.
Thats why the turnover rate for financial advisers, surveyors and salesman are high.
And many more people will never ever think of joining these line.

Why should you feel rejected over rejections?
Why do you only remember the clients have rejected your product, but NEVER the clients you have convinced?

Law of Attraction says that if you already have the mindset that the going is tough, then it WILL BE tough to get going.

One of the key to reducing rejection rate is to ask more, as opposed to talk more, to find the "hot button" of the customer. This can be done by asking a series of questions to let him "answer himself why he needs the product".

Don't tell him why he needs what you are offering. Let him tell himself.
Because Customers will raise objections to ANYTHING you say, because only what they say is true.

Thats the power of asking the correct questions.

So what are the correct questions to find the "hot button"?
There are many books written on it, will leave it to you to read more about it.

Rejections does not lead to failures. Only delayed success.

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