Saturday, August 8

Zombies on your lawn!

There is this very catchy song from the strategic puzzle game - Plants vs Zombies, which I have been listening and singing along over and over again.

There's a zombie on your lawn.
There's a zombie on your lawn.
There's a zombie on your lawn.
We don't want zombies on the lawn.

About the Author: Shingo T will like to remind everyone to lock their doors before sleeping.


HappySurfer said...

Hey, nice song for dancing. LOL! Oh yeah! It's Saturday.

Thanks, Shingo, for visiting my blog. Looks like we have at least something in common - the same blog template. haha...

Happy weekend!

xiao rou said...

got directed here thru plankton. the song is really catchy =) how is the game?

7-8 said...

Stop f-ing around with computer games. No backsliding for you.

Shingo T said...

Haha. Don't sue me for copyright, k? =p

xiao rou:
Hello there, and thanks for dropping by! The game is pretty cute for a strategic puzzle game. Good thing it can be completed in 2weekends.

Thanks for the reminder, bro. Never intended to go back the same path.

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