Yesterday, I received a comment from Netster, and it surprised me in 3 ways.
(1) He replied to a post which was written more than 4 months ago. Normally the only comments I receive from such outdated posts are spam comments. You know, those "performance" related drugs, MLM selling etc... I'm surprised Netster actually bothered to read such an old post.
(2) He added a super long comment, something which I seldom do, because of the number of blogs I follow. If I didn't read his comment, it would have been wasted effort for him. Luckily, I read each and every comment (even if I don't reply), so don't worry, k?
(3) Lastly, in his long comment, he shared his personal experience with his wonderful mum-in-law, who unfortunately is no longer with us. The story was so heartfelt and sincere, that I was really touched by it. It made me wonder if there were tears in his eyes as he was writing it. And this is one of the rare time I felt so touched by reading a reader's comment, as a doggie ate my conscience when I was young. Wanted to drop Netster an email to acknowledge it but couldn't find his email address anywhere on his blog.
A story of this length is better off being used as a blog entry, rather than leaving it as a comment in an isolated post. Consider sharing us your experience if you want, Netster, you really wrote it well.
By acknowledging you had a wonderful mother-in-law, that makes you a great son-in-law. And she will rest in peace, knowing that her daughter is in great hands.
Netster a.k.a. Jong Fui Fa is really one of a kind. I found his blog by pure accident and now he's following many bloggers I follow. And it's so easy to be friends with him, he's so nice and kind to everyone. To be friends with him is an honor. Although he had a very hard time recently, he's always someone who lifts other people's spirits, makes others laugh or happy with his comments. I hoped I could somehow help him in his painful moments, but I couldn't. He had to go through that time, it was his fate. But I think he's strong enough and he'll pull thru. Netster is a fighter, right? :)
we should appreciate it while the person is still around.
It's my honour to have him reading my blog. Hope he cheers up soon, looking forward to more updates from him.
Netster turns dark clouds into rain, so that people like us can dance in the rain.
Netster must really be a great guy, judging from MKL's and your good words. However, I must say ... not many mums-in-law can really leave such a big mark on their in-laws.
To Nester, your Mum-in-law really was a fantastic lady. Cherish your moments with her and keep her safe in your heart. Cheers!
Netster sounds like a wonderful person. The world or even the blogosphere could do with more people/bloggers like him around.
Shingo, thanks for sharing.
Netster sounds like an awesome guy, I'm sure his mom-in-law will watch over him in peace...
Good for you. I sometimes dig old stories from someone's blog. But then, I rarely do so. hahaha
Shingo T,
Thank you so much for doing this... I am so touched by your kindness.
I am okay while writing that comment but I am crying when I read this post... Sob Sob
Thank you to every one who commented here for your kind words and encouragement... I'm speechless, really.
Thank you so much
I love comments too but I have been plagues by irritating ones recently. :(
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