I do, especially chicken and pork - they taste good!
Ok, jokes aside.
I have a colleague, she's in her 40s, married and have no kids. But she has this doggie which she was strongly attached to. Just like how parents will tend to talk more about their kids, my colleague also give reference to her doggie as if it was her own child.
Lately, she was on urgent leave for a few days. Her doggie died. I presumed it's due to some body malfunction. And now that she's back to work, I think it affected her quite a fair bit. She looked pale, and from her eyes, you can see she cried a great deal recently.
As I was walking by her cubicle just now, I saw her staring blankly at the pic of her beloved doggie. My heart sank. I wished she will recover soon.
For a while, I was reminded why I can never be a owner of pets. I'm way too self-centered and practical to hold an additional responsibility and attachment to a pet of my own. And plus, I never liked clearing up people's sh*t (pun intended).
Do you keep pets of your own, and do you get REALLY emotional over their welfare?
Dogs can live only about 10 years. Better have pet tortoise...
I love my pets, but not like people. It is sad when one dies, but I've never needed a day off to cope with it.
Awww...how sad it must have been for your coworker. I love my pets a whole lot too. I have a maid here who cleans up after my doggies poop. hehehe. =)
I used to own pets when I was a young child. Not now anymore as taking care of pets isn't easy and is quite a huge responsibility. I love dogs..and only dogs. Dislike cats.
I cannot stand irresponsible pet owners.
Hmm I think I'm somewhat like you.. can't bring myself to clean up sh*t... and I can't stand the furry furry hair and dust :S Sensitive nose..
Love doggie? YES!Despite him running scott free and making us follow like mad people round the neighbourhood to get him back!! My folks tell me to love him tho he digs up my garden like a trench!!! UUUGGH!
meow meow.... but too manja and snobbish PLUS not loyal. but i love me cat anyway... and no! i dont like to clean their shit oso.
nope. not a pet person. i killed my goldfishes (accidentally of course) when i was a kid, by sucking them into the hose when cleaning the aquarium. i cannot stress the "accidentally" part :p
haha! Shingo, love that joke! I was about to say cactus, but cactus is not an animal. It's the easiest thing to take care of.
I love cat. How weird I still think of my last cat some time. The last time I had him was when I was 16 or 17.
Lol...I crired for days after my mum gave away my puppy which stayed with me for only four days!!! Lol..I get emotionally attached VERY fast.
Know the reason my mum gave it away??
Cause she expected me to train the pup to pee in the toilet, and shit on the newspaper in three days.
I can relate to that. I had to leave my cat in Slovenia, when I came here. I don't really cry or get emotional over it, but I miss her sometimes. We have a lot of land in Slovenia, big garden, meadows, forest and the cats are doing their business outside. They come inside for eating and cuddling :) And a pet really can enrich your life.
Nice cute doggie. Its easier said than done about non-attachment and acceptance over the fact that life is impermanent. But with a little of patience and training its achievable. tQ
I have a dog which i have a love and hate relationship. He's on my profile pic.
I love him when he is cute, but when he starts peeing everywhere that is when i hate him.
I am not very emotional to all his needs, but i will surely be quite upset when he pass away. That's for sure.
my girl has 3 dogs n she loves them dearly. I just help a bit.
growing up i had never been attached to animals. a few years ago my kids and i rescued two animals from our local shelter. i have followed in love with them and they are now a part of our family.
Unable to keep any dogs or cats in apartment except fishes but then have given up as no one to feed them while on long outstation stay. But I have got wild birds nesting at one corner of a pipe at the washing area who would be chirpy chirpy cheep cheep in the morning and evening time. Dunno what kind of birds but they have nice lines on their tails and have been there for more than a year already. tQ
I don't own pets because I'm too busy taking care of myself to care about them! Haha!
I love dogs and I had 2 before, a shih tzu and boxer. We had to give away coz we could not spend quality time with them. When we gave them away to friends, I'm a practical person ... no tears!
Just got a 'lost and found' shih tzu. Don't keeping since I'm now retired.
"For a while, I was reminded why I can never be a owner of pets. I'm way too self-centered and practical to hold an additional responsibility and attachment to a pet of my own."
Better for you to rear fishes then. You'll only need to clean up the water once every month. Minimal fuss.
never thought of getting any pets at all, me can't even take good care of myself =.=
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