Sunday, October 31

Me in a boxer?

How many of you remember this photo? Hands up!

This is a picture of me taken off a post one year ago, when I was talking about my company's Dinner and Dance.

If you remembered this photo, that means you have been wasting your time for the past year stalking my blog. How time flies, isn't it?

Well, the annual D&D is here again for the company I slog for, and this year's theme is Pyjamas Party!

So what comes to mind?

Your favourite Bananas in Pyjamas - B1 and B2?
Bananas in Pyjamas

No, this!
Yummy girl in yummy pyjamas

I'm looking forward to seeing all my female colleagues in this!

But seriously, what do your male friends/hubby/boyfriend wear when they go to sleep? I wear normal home clothes, don't see any purpose of wearing pyjamas.

I asked a few of my other male colleagues, who joked that they sleep naked, and so will be there in their "birthday suit".

I guessed this time, I will just have to be there in normal work clothings, since the event is after work, unless I can think of something better.

Any suggestions?

And no, boxers are out. No one wants to see an old Uncle with a belly in a boxer. =(


HappySurfer said...

Sounds like it's going to be fun fun fun! Left to be seen as to how many people will go in their actual nightwear, PJs or lingeries.

Anonymous said...

Haha...going to a D&D dressed in PJs.

Lily Riani said...

sarong & singlets like uncle those wonder years ago.

ahhhahha... just realised i stalked you for a year

Shingo T said...

Lily Riani:
sarongs and singlets are a great idea without having to exposed myself too much. Worth considering.

Anonymous said...

Sir, I'd really like to see you as Banana in PJs.

wenn said...

boxer would be nice..

khengsiong said...

I wore pyjamas when I was a kid. But that was ages ago...

dolce la robyn said...

boxer & singlet. lol. the singlet will cover your belly :P

Stefanie said...


LOL! Btw, stick to the sarong idea, not bad wei!

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Yeah remembered this post thought how come something wrong with my blog list. Bananaz suit should be nice hehe. If I go will be in my 'birthday suit' coz I have doing it for donkey years already..seriously in my dictionary there is no PJs. Never like wearing them.

Wenny said...

If you are so adamant not to let us ogle over your belly, then cover up you must ... wear LONGJOHN dear!

Mabel Low said...

Longjohn? ROFL! XD
Now now.. i think that would be a great idea if you could find a set that is of your skin color. :P And just wear that alone will do.

The Bimbo said...

wear your home clothes la.. t-shirt and shorts. lol Ugliest ones?

Twilight Man said...

I wear very colourful when I go to sleep besides combing my hair and cleanse & moisturize my face. I need to look nice too in my dreams! LOL

foongpc said...

I remember that photo! Now that just means I have good memory! Hahaha!

foongpc said...

I sleep naked! It's more comfortable that way! Haha

foongpc said...

So you are going to dress up as Banana In Pajamas? LOL!

Twilight Man said...

Of course FoongPC sleeps naked, he is a Panda!... He plays China's national anthem and hoist his flag each morning! LMAO!

Netster23 said...

Some time I sleep naked... not very often because it's cold (due to aircon LAME I know)

but mostly I just wear a short pan and utterly worn off T.

I want the pretty girl in your photo Shingo!

Unknown said...

LOL, you write well.

Shingo T said...

Haha, realised so many of the guys here sleep naked.

I feel weird sleeping naked. Haha.

Netster23 said...

Give it a try Shingo! You'll feels free as a bird :)

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