Monday, November 8


I quote this from my sifu (teacher).

In life, there is no trying.
Either you do it, or you don't.

So stop procrastinating, and stop trying.
Do it. Or don't.


The Bimbo said...

good one!

dolce la robyn said...

like, "never complain, never explain, just do it" =D

werwer said...


HappySurfer said...

Reminds me of a seminar I attended in which there were cards on the table that read:

"Do it NOW! WON!"

Ice said...

Hey Shingo,
If I've not mistaken, I heard you talking about procrastination a while back leh :o)

Mabel Low said...

Nike. Just Do It. :P

Shingo T said...

Ai Shiang:
It's always easier to preach. =p

Unknown said...

I 'm for trying. It doesn't hurt, rather than not do. it can take you a step/s further.

Netster23 said...

Yes, just do it! damn it, haven't you heard? just go it.

YOu either go up or down, in or out.

Cheers Bro!

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Can try to be married, can try to be father, can try to die? hehe..can lah try lah..

Anonymous said...

Haha..I like the quote! :)

Sounds like something you hear very often in the workplace. Do it or don't do it (and you get shipped out).

dblchin (double chin) said...

Yes I'm constantly telling myself I'm not trying,I'm not trying,I'm not trying,I'm not trying.

foongpc said...

haha! Reminds me of Yoda from Star Wars! : )

Ken Tao said...

It's not only about trying, but also coming up with a good plan to get on.

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