Side Note: Go watch "Monster House". Good stuff, despite my initial thought that its gonna be just another kiddy cartoon.

Always loved watching horror movies with wife-to-be. She will always pester me to watch these shows, no matter how lame they potentially could be.
She's like a fly attracted to the fire. She knows she will be afraid, but she loves watching them. When we watched these shows together, she will grab my hands tightly with either her hands.
Or her fingernails. 0.o|||
And I always love to smile or laugh when she does that. It makes me feel very manly. Big man no afraid. Big man protect small girl. Haha.
I used to be afraid of horror shows, I watched The Ring in the afternoon at home with my ahma in the kitchen. But growing up, I realised the secret to be immune to horror shows.
When you see a horror image, ask yourself how the movie people do it.
Chilli sauce for blood?
Computer effects?
Always remember that the zombies are acted by real people.
And the rolling heads are merely props.
Think practical, and you won't be scared. ^_^
As time goes by, I got so used to the horror that I start to feel a little sleepy at times.
If there's one horror show that still gives me the creeps, it can only be Chucky, in Child's Play.

He's small.
He's crafty.
He's evil.
And he never gives up!
He's under the table.
Or hiding by the window latch.
Or maybe the closet.
Always ready to pounce.
Always ready to go for the fatality kill.
Pure evil comes with no batteries required.
Be careful when you sleep, my children.
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