Went to google around to see if it is ok to leave the splinter inside, only to be met with mixed answers ranging from "The body has a natural defensive mechanism to push the splinter out", to "OMG, you may get infected, go see a doctor or you will die" (ok, I exaggerated the latter a little).
I'm a little tempted to ignore the splinter, but at the end of my head, I wonder if my finger might get amputated years down the road. Haha.

Dr Stiletto: Save me, I'm dying! =p
So have you guys ever get splinters in your hand? What's the longest time that such splinters stayed within your finger?
Edit: The picture of the bloody finger is not my fingers. Just some random picture from the Internet.
Yes, I have had splinters before and usually resort to using a fine needle (clean one of course) to gently remove it.
I would advise you go see a doc. The fact that the pain lingers means the splinter might still be lodged in there. Better to clean it up. Splinters don't belong inside fingers.
Palm-reading, anyone? hehe..
OMG, that is bloody! A splinter did that? If it still hurts even once in a while, it has no business in there, I feel.
use the 'kiap kiap' and kiap the splinter out .... should be able to ... else just to be safe .. go and seek professional help!!
it might not be harmful but i guess it's still safer for you to get that out from your finger, since it's swelling and you are feeling pain..
Phew! saw the bloody pix thought this can't be splinter to cause such horrible sight like half the finger got chop off. What a relief its not yours. A needle would most of the time do a very good job best to take it out could be irritating and painful. My longest time the splinter stayed less than 12hours. ~:)
That picture looks really scary. I do hope that won't happen to me. I remember getting a splinter when I was younger, but I don't recall ever having it removed. hmmm...
Oh my.. the photo scared me, haha. I think you should be fine. I wonder, if the sexy doctor in killer stilettos can be of any help here :)
You should have gone to the doctor long time ago.Now also instead of wastimg your time asking people through the net , just go and get cleaned up by a doctor.
A few month now? Phew...never have I left splinter in my finger that long! When younger, we just picked it out with a needle...never thought of visiting doctor.
OUCHHH I got a shock when I saw the photo... luckily it's not your finger.
normally i will try to get it out, even though its not pain.
use a needle and poke it out... the most it last 2-3 days because i "bei-tahan"... too annoying....
Look likes I can be your doctor! I will use a needle and get it out for you :)
I hate foreign stuff inside my flesh but sometime you just can't help it when it too small and like wood, over time it became soft and it will become a permanent mark on the surface.. just like tattoo! (brown in colors after many years)
it's good idea to cut it open 0_0 okay I'm kidding :p
since it too late for you.. if it hurt, just get the doctor to do small operation for you. it would be quicky I promise you.
or you can leave it there...
hahahhaah Cheers Bro!
I still think you should go to the doctor :)
Oh just leave it inside your finger! Unless the splinter starts to grow and become a nuisance and take over your entire hand! Haha, juz kidding! : D
if i've a splinter i'll force it out ASAP.. I can't stand looking at it.. lol..
Awww, don't worry la. Just a splinter, get rid of it. If its me, I would have gotten it out immediately instead of letting it stay and cause a nuisance pain.
I would love to hear Doc Stiletto's advice tho'. Will be good for us to heed her advice.
i.want.to.vomit. *pukes*
I got a splinter in my thumb on Monday night 11/05/12 when I was going to put my kids to bed. We were racing up the stairs & I slid my hand up the railing really fast & that is how I got it the darn thing. I have had a splinter before & it has never been that big of a deal. I tried to get it out but couldnt because it was so deep & I couldn't even see it anyway. I figured the next day I would get it out because it was late & I was going to bed. The next morning there was no way I was going to be able to even try to get it out because it was so sore. I had also always heard that your body would automatically push it out on its own. Each day or better yet each hour the pain got worse and it was so swollen I couldn't even bend my thumb. It had gotten so bad in such a short time & also had a fever in my hand. In the beginning I figured that if I went to the hospital for a splinter they would look at me like I was crazy but on Friday night 11/09/12 the pain was so bad I could not take it anymore and I could feel my heart beating in my hand. So today 11/10/12 as soon as I woke up I went straight to the hospital & thank goodness I didnt have to wait long. The dr informed me how very serious it was & that I should of came in way before now. I can usually tolerate pain pretty well. I have had 2 kids naturally but I must say this hurt much worse. The doctor sterilized my hand & then began to numb it & I cried like a baby. This part gets kind of gross but as soon as he stuck the needle in pus shot out immediately because there was so much pressure from all of the infection. As he was waiting for the numbing medicine to take affect before he started digging around to try to locate the little splinter that had caused all of this pain he started pressing around to try to drain some of the infection out and all of the sudden the splinter shot out. It was about and half a inch long and I still can't believe that little piece caused me all this grief. lesson learned....... if you get a splinter and cannot get it out that same day then go to the hospital immediately. my hand is bandaged up and I am on antibiotics for 10 days so hopefully this will do the trick & get better day by day. I have pictures from the day I got the splinter and each day after but I'm not sure how to upload it on here so if you would like to see mine then you can email me and I'll send you a picture of it at chattyervin@gmail.com I hope people don't do like I did and think that it will just go away because it doesn't it so go to the hospital when something like this happens.
I got a splinter in my thumb on Monday night 11/05/12 when I was going to put my kids to bed. We were racing up the stairs & I slid my hand up the railing really fast & that is how I got it the darn thing. I have had a splinter before & it has never been that big of a deal. I tried to get it out but couldnt because it was so deep & I couldn't even see it anyway. I figured the next day I would get it out because it was late & I was going to bed. The next morning there was no way I was going to be able to even try to get it out because it was so sore. I had also always heard that your body would automatically push it out on its own. Each day or better yet each hour the pain got worse and it was so swollen I couldn't even bend my thumb. It had gotten so bad in such a short time & also had a fever in my hand. In the beginning I figured that if I went to the hospital for a splinter they would look at me like I was crazy but on Friday night 11/09/12 the pain was so bad I could not take it anymore and I could feel my heart beating in my hand. So today 11/10/12 as soon as I woke up I went straight to the hospital & thank goodness I didnt have to wait long. The dr informed me how very serious it was & that I should of came in way before now. I can usually tolerate pain pretty well. I have had 2 kids naturally but I must say this hurt much worse. The doctor sterilized my hand & then began to numb it & I cried like a baby. This part gets kind of gross but as soon as he stuck the needle in pus shot out immediately because there was so much pressure from all of the infection. As he was waiting for the numbing medicine to take affect before he started digging around to try to locate the little splinter that had caused all of this pain he started pressing around to try to drain some of the infection out and all of the sudden the splinter shot out. It was about and half a inch long and I still can't believe that little piece caused me all this grief. lesson learned....... if you get a splinter and cannot get it out that same day then go to the hospital immediately. my hand is bandaged up and I am on antibiotics for 10 days so hopefully this will do the trick & get better day by day. I have pictures from the day I got the splinter and each day after but I'm not sure how to upload it on here so if you would like to see mine then you can email me and I'll send you a picture of it at chattyervin@gmail.com I hope people don't do like I did and think that it will just go away because it doesn't it so go to the hospital when something like this happens.
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